763-537-4523 | faithlilacway.org
Sunday, March 23, 2025
This Week’s Schedule | All Are Welcome!
Every Sunday - online worship & printable bulletins available at faithlilacway.org
(After the 9:30 service has streamed, there may be a slight delay)
Sunday, March 23rd
8:30 AM Sunday School
9:30 AM Worship
10:30 AM Treats and Talk hosted by Vicki Lokken-Paverud
Monday, March 24th
6:30 PM Weekly Lenten Devotional with Vicar Karla on ZOOM
Wednesday, March 26th
10:00 AM Contemplative Prayer (Chapel)
10:30 AM We Make the Road by Walking (Library)
3:30 PM Staff Meeting (Library)
5:00 PM Soup Supper (Fellowship Hall)
6:30 PM Midweek Lenten Service with Pastor Gretchen Rode
7:00 PM Chancel Choir
Thursday, March 27th
6:00 PM Wildfire VBS Meeting (Fellowship Hall)
7:00 PM Bookclub (Library)
Friday, March 28th
Office Closed
Sunday, March 30th
8:30 AM Sunday School
9:30 AM Worship
10:30 AM Treats & Talk
Interested in a Bible Study, a Book Club, or another way of engaging your faith?
Please talk with Pastor Pam.
Abundant Opportunities
Soup, salad and bread suppliers are needed for our Lenten Soup Suppers. Only 3 Wednesday evening meals left so don’t miss an opportunity to provide and share in this meal. Being a Treats & Talk host is really quite easy to do and appreciated by many. Please sign up for one (or more) of the upcoming Sundays. Thank you!
Spring Fest 2025
Besides food, fun, and fellowship part of the focus of Spring Fest is to raise money for Community Outreach projects. To name a few, these include gas cards, grocery cards, and special projects for NEAR. With your help and support we can do more.
Please donate an item(s) for our raffle and/or bingo. Or maybe donate a bottle of wine or liquor for our Wine Cork Pull. Big or small, items of various value are needed and welcome. With your donation you will be helping the Community Connection Committee further the work of our congregation and help those seeking support. Questions? Please reach out to committee members Natasha Rice, Clint Hughes or Sue Ferkingstad. Please bring your donation to the church office by April 10th. Thank you!
March Mission of the Month-NEAR
NEAR, North-Suburban Emergency Assistance Response, responds to the food insecurity needs of individuals and families in our community by distributing food every afternoon - Monday through Friday. To support NEAR you may donate non-perishable goods, however your financial donation goes further due to access to food banks and discount purchasing programs. To support NEAR, write NEAR on the memo line of your check, on an envelope, or online choosing the Mission of the Month option, or at www.nearfoodshelf.org/donate
Lenten Midweek Soup Supper and Services
Join us for a Lenten Soup Supper and great conversation. Mark your calendar for 6 weeks of Soup & Bread, good conversation and worship together.
Wednesday Midweek Lenten Soup and Services
Lenten Soup and Supper
March 26 and April 2,9
5:00 PM Soup Supper
6:30 PM Worship
Come for soup and fellowship and then stay for the service!
P.S. Sign up to bring Soup or salad for our meal together.
Listen to God
In our prayers, we often ask God to listen to our cares and concerns. And God does! But do we listen to God? This Lent, Our Wednesday night midweek worship will be at 6:30 p.m. Wildfire clergy will travel from church to church in a round robin fashion, exploring different ways that we can listen to God.
Faith-Lilac Way Schedule for March Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
March 26 House of Hope Pastor Gretchen Rode: Listening to God as We Listen Within Ourselves
April 2 Faith Lilac Way Pastor Pamela Stalheim Lane: Listening to God in Prayer
April 9 First Lutheran Pastor Colin Grangaard: Listening to God in Anxious Times
Easter Flowers
Order sheets are included in today’s bulletin. To help decorate the sanctuary on Easter Sunday, and then your home afterward, please submit your order with payment by March 30th!
Hennepin County Horticultural Society Plant Sale
HCHS has teamed up with Gertens Nursery in a fundraising project. To place your order go to : www.gertensfundraising.com Enter Store ID: 933, then click on “Enter ID to Continue”. This will take you directly to the website page set up for HCHS. Be sure to include your email address with your order. Information regarding pickup at Faith Lilac Way on May 12 will be communicated through email. Order site closes at 10:00pm on Thursday, April 3rd. HCHS is one of the gardening groups that provides and cares for the plants in our gardens.
Today!!! ISAIAH “YES To Homes” Rally & March TODAY!!!
Sunday, March 23 2:00 to 4:00
Starting at: Holy Nativity Lutheran Church
3900 Winnetka Ave. N., New Hope
Join us as we rally and march for zoning reforms that can increase the supply, lower the cost and increase the climate-friendliness of homes at many price points. Let’s make it easier to build starter homes, duplexes and townhomes so that more people can find dignified, decent homes they can afford.
Enjoy special songs, music, and speakers including people impacted by our housing problems, local officials, state legislators and religious leaders.
We will start at Holy Nativity Church. Weather permitting, we will then walk to near the New Hope YMCA. Both the church and the Y host childcare centers. We are dramatizing the need for more housing for childcare workers and young families.
Sign up here: https://secure.everyaction.com/aLRAUKLv3Ea6FPUHz7CgBA2
ISAIAH is a multi-faith, multi-racial, statewide non-partisan organization made up of congregations, mosques, childcare centers, barbershops, college groups and individuals all striving together for racial and economic justice in Minnesota. For more information contact Jeanne Iverson (612-590-1938), Kris Allen (763-202-5139) or David Scheie (612-232-2912)