763-537-4523    |   faithlilacway.org

Sunday, December 22, 2024

This Week’s Schedule | All Are Welcome! 

Every Sunday - online worship & printable bulletins available at faithlilacway.org

(After the 9:30 service has streamed, there may be a slight delay)

 Sunday, December 22nd

  9:30 AM Worship

10:30 AM Treats and Talk hosted by Linda Fernelius

 Tuesday, December 24th

  4:30 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (4:15 PM Prelude)

10:30 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (10:15 PM Prelude)

 Wednesday, December 25th

Office Closed

 Thursday, December 26th

Office Closed

Friday, December 27th

Office Closed

 Sunday, December 29th

  9:30 AM Worship

10:30 AM Treats and Talk hosted by Pastor Pam Stalheim Lane


                                Interested in a Bible Study, a Book Club, or another way of engaging your faith?

Please talk with Pastor Pam. 


 Mission of the Month: FLW Gift of Love

Faith-Lilac Way has a tradition of supporting our partner ministries through our budget and through our Mission of the Month. Twice a year, we turn our mission focus inward and ask for a Gift of Love to support the ministries of this congregation, above and beyond the regular gifts that our members, associate members and friends entrust to us. The Gift of Love supports our mission both inside and outside our doors. 

To give a Gift of Love, please indicate FLW Gift of Love either in the memo of a check, on the envelope, or choosing the Mission of the Month option online.

2025 Worship Leaders Wanted!

Please sign up for the 2025 worship season! Your options include being a lector, prayer reader, communion assistant, and/or usher. If you’re interested but unsure of how to do it, no problem! We are happy to help! Contact Sue in the office or Pastor Pam.


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Christmas Eve candlelight worship will be at 4:30pm and 10:30pm. Prelude at 4:15pm and 10:15pm.

Be a part of the dedicated volunteers of our SNOW Team! 

Last year we had very little snow. The year before we had record snow-falls. What will it be this year? Call the church office or sign up in the narthex for an opportunity to be a part of the Minnesota hardy snow team! Snow team members sign up for a week at a time to keep the sidewalks clear and safe. With your help, FLW will be ready and able to welcome in both young and older folks. Church phone: 763-537-4523

Calendar of Events