763-537-4523 | faithlilacway.org
Sunday, February 23, 2025
This Week’s Schedule | All Are Welcome!
Every Sunday - online worship & printable bulletins available at faithlilacway.org
(After the 9:30 service has streamed, there may be a slight delay)
Sunday, February 23rd
8:30 AM Sunday School
9:30 AM Worship
10:30 AM Treats and Talk hosted by Pastor Pamela Stalheim Lane
Tuesday, February 25th
3:00 PM Bible Study- Book of Revelation at Robbins Way
7:00 PM Bible Study- Book of Revelation ZOOM online
Wednesday, February 26th
10:00 AM Contemplative Prayer (Chapel)
10:30 AM We Make the Road by Walking (Library)
3:30 PM Staff Meeting (Library)
5:00 PM Confirmation
7:00 PM Chancel Choir
Thursday, February 27th
1:00 PM American Red Cross
Friday, February 28th
Office Closed
Sunday, March 2nd
8:30 AM Sunday School
9:30 AM Worship
10:30 AM Treats & Talk hosted by Dave & Linda Fernelius
Interested in a Bible Study, a Book Club, or another way of engaging your faith?
Please talk with Pastor Pam.
February Mission of the Month-Wildfire Every Meal
More than 300,000 children in Minnesota live with food insecurity. Every Meal fights child hunger by focusing on filling the food gaps children face on weekends, extended breaks, and summer when they’re not able to access school meal programs. To give your financial gift, please indicate Every Meal either in the memo of a check, on the envelope or choosing the Mission of the Month option online.
Book of Revelation Bible Study in February
Have you ever wondered about the Book of Revelation? It has been used - and abused - by groups over the years. It is also the source of great music and is, ultimately, (spoiler alert!) a message of hope.
Here are two choices for participating:
Daytime - at Robbins Way - 3 PM on Tuesdays (Feb 25, March 4)
Evening - Online on ZOOM– 7pm on Tuesdays (Feb 25, March 4)
(email pastorpam@faithlilacway.org for the ZOOM code)
Save the Date!
Save the date for this reflective service on March 5, Ash Wednesday. Arguably the most solemn day of our church year, we gather to confess our sins, ask for forgiveness and are reminded that we are mortal as we hear the words, “you are dust and to dust you shall return.” But you also will be reminded that you are God’ beloved and that Jesus forgives you, loves you and give you the gift of his body and blood. Don’t miss the service. But first, join us for a Lenten Soup Supper and great conversation. Mark your calendar for 6 weeks of Soup & Bread, good conversation and worship together.
Wednesday Midweek Lenten Soup and Services
Lenten Soup and Supper
March 5,12,19,26 and April 2,9
5:00 PM Soup Supper
6:30 PM Worship
Come for soup and fellowship and then stay for the service!
P.S. Sign up to bring Soup or salad for our meal together.