All Things are from God, through God, and to God.
The Glory belongs to God!
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is Good.
This call and response refrain reminds us that God is at work at and through FLW. Here’s how!
Because of you, at FLW, God’s Mission is at work!
Partnerships with the wider church: ELCA World Hunger and ELCA Disaster Relief.
Partnerships for Service: NEAR Food Shelf, Dinner-At-Your-Door, Camp WAPO, Kid Pack, Lutheran Social Services – and more!
Partnerships with Wildfire – 8 ELCA congregations do ministry together!
Raising up interns as new pastors for the church - teaching, preaching, equipping the saints!
Partnerships in our building: North Hennepin Horticultural Society aka “Garden” Club, Greater St. John Missionary Baptist Church, Boy Scouts and much more!
Thank you for doing your part, sharing gifts to do God’s mission. Thank you for participating by sharing the gifts God has entrusted to you: your time, your financial contributions and your talents. God’s Grace is free. Through your generous and continuing sharing of God’s gifts we continue to do God’s Mission in, for and with our community.
Faith-Lilac Way looks forward to the next year as we are at an exciting time of possibility and opportunity. God calls us to continue “Sharing God’s Gifts!” and asks that we give back to Him not out of fear or anxiety but because we take seriously Jesus’ words to “strive first for the kingdom of God.” We give because of Love: Love for God, Love for our church and Love for our neighbors.
We have exciting opportunities ahead. With you we can do God’s mission here at FLW and beyond. The Glory belongs to God!
Giving Starts with God
God has entrusted us with many gifts. Everything we see, everything we have, from our abilities and skills to our very life, is a gift from God. We have a gracious and generous God. “Stewardship” is how we manage or “steward” the gifts that God has entrusted to us.
Stewardship of Time & Talent
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the creator…” James 1:17
We couldn’t do it without you. Faith-Lilac Way is able to do the ministry that it does because of volunteers of all ages and all abilities.
The opportunities are almost endless of how your skills, talents, and avocations can be shared to serve God and our neighbors. Some opportunities to serve can be done inside the church and others in the community. Some opportunities to serve are regular commitments and others are occasional or seasonal. Take a look at our opportunities below to see how you can serve.
Greeter, Communion Assistant, Lesson Reader, Usher, Altar Guild
Sunday Treat Supplier, Kitchen Crew, Coffee Clean-Up, Funeral Servers, Sunday Transportation
Children & Youth Ministries
Nursery Volunteer, Sunday School Leaders, Substitutes, Confirmation Mentors /Table Leaders, Youth Service Project Coordinator, Youth Activity Coordinator, Youth Missions & Fundraising Coordinator, Vacation Bible School Leaders
Property & Grounds
Cleaning the building, Gardening, General maintenance of building – repairs & painting
Event Planning, Library Assistants, Artists, Photographers, Web Design & Social Media, Worship Bulletin Volunteer, Office Assistant, Banner Crew, Counting Team
Interested in one of these opportunities or have your own talent you’d like to give? Let us know using the form below.
Stewardship Financially
Giving of financial gifts is an important part of stewardship. Our money makes mission and ministry happen both inside our walls and beyond our doors. There are many ways to contribute financially to the mission we share:
Offering Envelopes
Whether you contribute weekly or monthly, offering envelopes are a great way to combine your giving with attendance at worship. Simply drop your envelope in the offering plate, and your personalized envelope number will assure that your contributions are properly credited. Or, if you can’t attend worship, you can also mail your contribution. Please contact the office (763-537-4523) if you would like to receive offering envelopes.
Online Giving
Online giving is available 24/7. Click on the Grow In Faith tab and select Give. You may choose to contribute to any of the following ministries: General Operating, Mission of the Month, Children & Youth, Property & Building, and Community Outreach.
Mission of the Month, Outreach and Special Events
Each month we highlight a special mission outside the doors of our church. The yellow envelopes in the pews serve as a way to support great missions and further our ministry.
January - Cherish All Children
February - Every Meal (Wildfire Event)
March - NEAR (North-Suburban Emergency Assistance Response) Food Shelf
April - Small Sums
May - Partnering with Purpose
June - Cherish All Children
July - Every Meal
August-Luther Seminary Scholarship Fund
September - Every Meal (Wildfire Event)
October - ELCA World Hunger
November - NEAR Food Shelf
December - FLW Gift of Love
Faith-Lilac Way Mission Support Beyond our Doors takes financial resources. As the hymn says, “We give thee but thine own, whatever the gift may be. All that we have is thine alone, a trust O Lord from thee.”
Thrivent Choice Dollars Designation
Do you currently have investments or insurance with Thrivent Financial? If so, you may be eligible for directing designated “Choice Dollars” through Thrivent Choice. Simply select Faith-Lilac Way Lutheran Church as the recipient of “Choice Dollars,” which is part of Thrivent's charitable outreach grant dollars. A great way to give to Faith-Lilac Way is by simply participating in this program. Thank you! For more information please contact the office (763-537-4523).