Mini-Communion Services:
Sundays at 9:30 and 10:30 AM
Topic: Sunday Communion Mini-Service at 9:30 AM or 10:30 AM
Meeting ID: 988 8284 6617
Password: 335870
OR Dial by phone
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Aren’t able to connect electronically?
Let us know and we will send you the Sunday bulletin and sermon until we are able to resume worship.
Holy Communion at your Doorstep
Contact us to arrange a time. (church office at 763-537-4523 or
Can’t access online? Find a Zoom buddy!
Here’s how this would work: Find (or ask us to find) a person who has access to Zoom. Then call your zoom buddy at Worship time and your buddy can put your phone on speaker so that you can hear and be a part of the Communion service too. You won’t be able to see it, but you will be able to hear everything and we could hear you! Contact the office if you want us to find you a Zoom buddy!