Give to God the things that are God’s. That part of Jesus’ answer has been running through my mind this past week. So…what exactly are we to give? In the Old Testament, the standard answer was the tithe – 10 percent. But Jesus isn’t parsing out how much of your assets to give to Caesar and how much to give to God. Instead he says, “Give to the emperor what belongs to the emperor”. And then says: “give to God what belongs to God”.
So this is what I’ve been thinking about…because, doesn’t everything belong to God?
Some people – like St. Francis – interpreted that quite literally. When his father heard Francis was going into the ministry, he was furious and confronted him in the town square. He thought his son owed him something. After all, hadn’t he supplied him with beautiful rich clothing and money to spend? Francis agreed. All of his clothes and money did come from his father. So…right in the middle of the town square, he took off all his clothes and gave them and all the money that he had back to his father. Then, free of possessions and obligation to his earthly father, he proclaimed, “I belong to God, my Heavenly Father.”
It was certainly a dramatic way to proclaim his allegiance to God. But you don’t have to strip naked in the town square in order to proclaim: “I belong to God.” For Jesus has claimed you at your baptism as a child of God; you belong. As Paul writes and we proclaim, “You belong to Christ and Christ belongs to God.” You belong to God.
The question is: how you live into this gift of belonging? Or in the words of poet Mary Oliver, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
God has entrusted the whole world to us. And there are days – such as this past week when the trees were changing and the air was “just right” and the sun shone - that I simply want to bask in the beauty of God’s creation. I rode my bike on paths strewn with leaves of red and gold and saw eagles soar and heard birds sing and gave thanks to God. The world was beautiful. On those days – days in which I shut off all news outlets and just focus on God’s creation – I praise God for God’s wonderful gift of creation. I can echo God’s assessment of creation: it is good.
But then I come home, and read the news and it is harder for me to rejoice when I hear and read about the nastiness and outright cruelty of the way people act and speak and treat one another. It’s easy to see the beauty of creation in the trees and the wild creatures and even in the neighborhood pets. If I’m honest, it’s harder to see each person as a part of God’s good creation. But…in the story of creation, God proclaims, “Let us make human beings in our own image.” And God did, making humans, male and female, in God’s own likeness. And again, God says, “It is good.”
Each person is made in God’s image. And, God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.Gen 1:31 So then… when you look at another person… regardless of age, or the color of their skin, their sex or gender, their bank account, or the clothes they wear, the accent of their voice, or where they were born – every human being… was made in the image of God.
Even if it’s Caesar. Caesar – the egotistical, power-hungry emperor who had the words “Son of God” imprinted by his face on the coin shown to Jesus. Using it felt idolatrous to faithful followers. But Caesar was feared – and ruthless when disobeyed. Yet, even Caesar was made in God’s image. And so are those people who drive me crazy. Created in God’s image… every one of them.
And so are you – and the people who drive you crazy. You and I – and all human beings -- are created in God’s image. So… before you send that tweet or share that incendiary facebook post – remember whose image you reflect. Speak the truth – but do so in love.
For not only are you created in God’s image, but you are claimed by Christ, in your baptism, as a child of God. You are fed and nourished by God’s word. You belong to God. And, so do I – and all of our creative and expressive talents and skills. Remember - everything belongs to God.
Since I know in my head that everything belongs to God why do I want to hold on so tightly to “my” money, “my” work, “my” power, “my” stuff? Why do I – maybe you too? – want so much to be in control?
I wonder if, as Americans, we are so focused on the importance of freedom, of independence, and the myth of making our own way, that we forget, as Christians… that Jesus taught us that power is made perfect in weakness and that love conquers everything.
Friends in Christ, it’s time to surrender. Surrender? Yes… I just said, “surrender.” I know that I - maybe you too? – don’t really want to surrender anything. I grew up thinking of surrendering as a sign of weakness, failure, inadequacy. Surrender means that you lose, right? But, perhaps… surrendering is not what you think or fear.
Following Jesus’ words of wisdom, let us give to God, even surrender to God, the things that are God’s including your life, your ambitions, all the stuff you like to claim as your own – as well as your hopes and dreams. After all, after you have surrendered to the grace of God, the pressure is off. It’s not about you anymore. It’s about God working though you to not only bless you but also all those around you, all those you touch. It is God using the gifts that God gave you to proclaim God’s good news of love and mercy. It is God working in you to bring about the kingdom of God.
Go ahead – pay your fair share of taxes. Jesus said, “Give to the emperor what belongs to the emperor.” But give to God all that is God’s – including your whole self and God will bless you and make you whole. Thanks be to God. Amen.