How about some Good News today?  We need Good News. If you are like me, I’ve heard way too much news lately – and a lot of it has been bad.  So when a friend told me about “SGN” which stands for “Some Good News” I was eager to check out the new web-based show by actor John Krasinski. I love it.  Krasinski shows clips of ordinary people who are coping with physical distancing in some really creative and fun ways such as a man bouncing a ball over his house and then catching it with a hoop on the other side. Or a woman who practices basketball by throwing her laundry into the machine. And the heartwarming example of a man who, since he can’t be with his wife of 62 years, goes to her window in the nursing home and sings Amazing Grace with her.

In his latest episode, Krasinski hosted some health care workers from a COVID-19 medical unit in a hospital in Boston. They have been working hard – and some of them are not even able to go home to their families because of the risk to their families. But Krasinski and had a few surprises in store for them.  First, Red Sox legend David Ortiz showed up. Then he announced they – and the other medical workers were being given free Red Sox tickets for life. Finally, they were taken on a well sanitized duckboat to Fenway field. They had to themselves. But then, they were invited to toss out the first pitch of the season while Red Sox players, the Boston mayor and Massachusetts governor cheered them on from the video boards. Krasinski insisted that it was the least that they could do for those who are on the front lines treating those infected with the coronavirus. Wow. I would say his show is well named: That’s SGN - Some Good News. 

The Gospel is also about Good News. In fact, that’s what Gospel means. It’s “Good News!”  And the Gospel – like other “Good News" seems to surprise people and make them wonder – is it too good to be true? 


It was hard for the disciples to believe it when the women came and told them that the tomb was empty and that Jesus had risen. Some of them went and saw for themselves. Yep. Empty tomb. But, did they gather that night to have a Resurrection party?  No. They locked the doors because they were afraid. After all…even though the crowd loved Jesus – the authorities killed him.  What would the authorities do to them?  That did not seem like Good News. So, they went into hiding. 


But…into that room full of fear and anxiety… Jesus brings Good News – just by showing up.


The disciples were overjoyed. What Good News! But later, they tried to tell Thomas, who wasn’t with them at the time… he wasn’t so sure. To be fair to Thomas, he simply wanted what they had - he wanted some assurance that it was true. 


The next week, the disciples gathered again – this time with Thomas. But their happiness from the week before seems to have evaporated. Again, they are afraid. They didn’t know what to do. So, again, they went into hiding. This time, they locked the door. 


But Jesus shows up… again… and again brings the Good News of hope, healing and new life – for the disciples… including Thomas. But that’s not all. Jesus also brings Good news to all those who have not seen him and yet believe.  In other words – you and me.  


Jesus still shows up. In fact, Jesus has a habit of showing up in surprising times and places. Jesus shows up in the hospital, working through the doctors and nurses who are treating Covid 19 patients and all of the other people. Jesus shows up, working through people like John Krasinski who, in addition to showing fun videos and treating medical workers to baseball games,  is encouraging companies to do some good for people who are on the front lines of treating this pandemic. Jesus shows up as a friendly neighbor when we are lonely. And, Jesus shows up in the words of Scripture to continue to share God’s love and presence with us. 


Yes, Jesus still shows up and that’s Good News. Truly, I believe that Jesus is with us always – and especially at a time like now in which we can feel isolated and alone and discouraged. Jesus is with us. Always.


But sometimes, in the midst of hearing all of the other news – all of the bad news – really it can be overwhelming at times– I think we have to be intentional about looking for Jesus.  Because there is so much other stuff – so much distracting bad news going on… that we can easily not notice that Jesus has been here all along. 


So, I would like to ask you, brothers and sisters, friends in Christ, to be on the look-out for Good News. That’s right - be on the look-out for Good News – and be on the lookout for Jesus. Because, Jesus still shows up. But sometimes – it’s easy to miss what is right in front of us if we aren’t focused on looking for Jesus or at hearing the Good News. And then, I’d like to ask you to share your Good News, your sightings of Jesus at work in the world with me and, if you are willing – but only with your permission, I’d love to post your stories on our web or Facebook page. Because, frankly, at a time like this, we all need to hear Good News. 


Brothers and sisters, friends in Christ, this is what Jesus calls us to do – to share our Good news so we and others will have eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts that are open to the amazing and surprising Good News of Jesus. Amen. Alleluia. Thanks be to God. Amen!
