Our plans have changed since the printing of our newsletter.
ONLINE EASTER WORSHIP - An online Faith-Lilac Way Easter Worship is available here http://www.faithlilacway.org/online-worship starting at Easter Sunrise on Sunday, April 12 at 6:30 AM and any time after that – you set your own worship time!
We have cancelled the parking lot communion planned for Easter and adapted the doorstep communion to make it safer. In both cases, you are providing the bread/cracker and the wine/juice. If you don’t have wine/juice, it is fine to commune with just the bread/cracker. PLEASE CONTACT US if you want doorstep communion! We will schedule a time for you.
OPTION 1) ZOOM Easter Communion Mini-Service at 8:15 AM and at 10 AM on EASTER SUNDAY!
Prepare by:
Watch the Easter Worship first if possible (http://www.faithlilacway.org/online-worship)
Set up a worship space in your home. (Light a candle, set out bread/crackers on a plate; set out a glass for wine or juice for each person in your home).
Connect to ZOOM
How to join the
8:15 AM Zoom Easter Communion Mini-Service click on this link: https://zoom.us/j/6393510721
Listen with the audio on your computer
Call in number: +1 (312) 626- 6799
Meeting ID: 417 588 047#
Password: 025391#
How to join the
10:00 AM Zoom Easter Communion Mini-Service click on this link:
Listen with the audio on your computer
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 707 421 011#
Password: 061589#
OPTION 2) Blessings of Holy Communion at your doorstep!
Prepare by:
1) Contacting the church office to let us know. Celeste, our new Admin/Communications Coordinator, will schedule a route and approximate times so that you know when we are coming. Contact her by: email office@faithlilacway.org or by phone: 763-537-4523. Let her know the earliest you would be open for us to come.
2) Set up a worship space in your home. (Light a candle, set out bread/crackers on a plate; set out a glass for wine or juice for each person in your home).
3) When Vicar Becca or Pastor Pam come, please come to the door or window (let us know where we should come). Bring your bread and wine with you. Pastor Pam or Vicar Becca will stand OUTSIDE your storm door/window to say the Words of Institution, prayers and blessing)