Do you remember that time long long ago when you couldn’t just get directions on your phone or through GPS and you actually had to look at a map or ask someone for directions? I remember. I also remember that sometimes the directions weren’t so clear. Go down this road a piece and turn left where the old Johnson place used to be… you can’t miss it!
I always worried when they said, “You can’t miss it.”
Where is Jesus? The angels knew. And, they knew how to give good directions. First, they identified the town: the baby is born in the city of David – that may have been confusing for out-of-towners but the shepherds knew that “the city of David” was “Bethlehem.” Bethlehem wasn’t a big town then – or now – but to make sure the shepherds didn’t get off-track– the angels gave the shepherds a really specific identification tool. They called it a sign: “You will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.”
Surely the one who was born to be the Savior of the world could command a grander place than a manger for his bed? But when the shepherds set out to find Jesus, the Savior, the Messiah, the Lord, where did they find Jesus? Just where the angels had said – he was in Bethlehem lying in a manger.
On that night, Jesus began his habit of showing up just as was promised – but in surprisingly ordinary places… like a manger.
Where is Jesus today? In the midst of challenges and hardships – where should we look for Jesus?
Facing a lot of hardships and seeing no hope in the life before her. one young woman chose to leave her homeland and travel to the Big Apple -New York City. She had an aunt who lived there and she hoped that, somehow, life could be better for her too. Except… she was carrying a heavy burden. She was pregnant. Perhaps out of denial, perhaps because she was ashamed, she didn’t let anyone to know. Instead, she tried to hide her pregnancy – she wore baggy clothes and no one – not even the aunt she lived with – even suspected. But the baby knew when it was time to be born…and on that day, with no one to help her, the mother gave birth. And then… she had a baby… and no way to care for it. Maybe she wondered, “where is Jesus?”
Where would you go if you were looking for Jesus? If you were to ask Martin Luther for directions, he would point to Bible, which he calls “the manger of Christ.” Luther says scripture holds Jesus, like the manger held him as a baby. And, in the Gospels Jesus tells us where to look for him. It’s not a secret.
Where is Jesus? Right where he promises to be. Jesus promises to be with us when we share in Holy communion together, in the breaking of bread and in the drinking of the cup.
Where is Jesus? Jesus is with us when we gather together in community, promising “where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there also.”
Where is Jesus? At his ascension, when the disciples were asking where he was going, Jesus promises them and us to be with us always, even to the end of the age.” For Jesus is – and promises to be: God WITH Us, Emmanuel.
But sometimes - even though we may know in our heads the promises of Jesus - it can be hard to see Jesus. This is especially true when we are outside of our church community or places where we are used to looking for Jesus. It can be hard to see Jesus as “with you” when life throws you more than a few curve balls. It can be hard to see Jesus when the challenges of life get in the way.
Perhaps that is how this young woman felt as she held her little newborn baby in her arms. She had never had a baby. She did not know what to do. She was too scared to cut the umbilical cord. What was she going to do? She had no clothes for him, no diapers. She had no money to speak of – no job – and what family she did have… she had been afraid to tell that she was pregnant. How would her aunt feel if she came home and discovered she was not only hosting her niece but also a baby?
Where was Jesus – in such a time as this?
The young woman… even though she was new to the neighborhood, remembered going to a church named “Holy Child Jesus”. The people there had been kind. It felt like a safe haven, and so she headed straight there. On the way, the little baby started to shiver. His mother felt him; he was starting to get cold. She stopped at a store along the way and bought a towel – it wasn’t much…just a little something to try to keep him warm. She held him close to her heart… and ran to “Holy Child Jesus.”
Where was Jesus? Was he here?
When the mother and child got to the church, it was around noon and the church was empty… and cold. The altar guild had just finished putting up their large Nativity set because it was almost Christmas. And there, in the middle of the creche, stood the manger, filled with straw. It looked like the warmest place in the church. The young mother placed her sleeping baby in the manger, tucked the towel around him, and, entrusting him to God and God’s people; she ran away.
Where was Jesus? Well… back in the manger. I imagine Jesus comforting that newborn little baby and saying, “Hey -you too?! I slept in a manger once. It’ll be all right. You just need to make a little noise. Let them know that you are here.” And the baby did. When the custodian came back from lunch, the baby cried. At first, the custodian thought nothing of the sound of a baby crying. After all, the church also had a school and so there tended to be lots of children around and mothers with babies. But the crying got louder. Looking around, the custodian did not see anyone - no mothers and no children. But the crying persisted. It seemed to be coming from the Nativity creche. Maybe it was a prank. He went to investigate….and found the baby…laying in the manger and crying for all he was worth.
Where was Jesus? He was with the scared, cold and hungry little baby.
Jesus was also with for the young mother that day, guiding her to a church, which under New York law qualifies as a safe haven.1 But that’s not all. Jesus was with the custodian that day – and gave him wisdom to call the church nurse and 911 responders to care for this little baby. And Jesus was with the people of Holy Child Jesus Church who welcomed the child, like they would welcome Jesus. As the priest said, “God has a way of working mysteriously because I believe when this woman who came in with this child, saw this creche, this empty home,…. I believe she found in it a home for her child." 1
Where was Jesus? Jesus was with each one of these people. And Jesus is with you too. If you are looking for Jesus, you will find him in all of the places where he has promised to be –in the Bible, in the community of Christ as we gather to take bread and wine, Christ’s body and blood and even in a manger. But Jesus is not only in a manger and not only in the places where Christ Jesus promised to be. For Jesus Christ is God With Us – in all of the places – ordinary or extraordinary--that we go.
Brothers and sisters, friends in Christ, may you have eyes to see Jesus in your life and in all the places where you go. For Jesus is God is With Us, with you, every day. Thanks be to God. Amen.
1New York's Safe Haven Law states that an adult with legal custody of an infant can drop the baby off at a hospital, church, police or fire station without facing legal repercussions, according to the National Safe Haven Alliance.
2Father Christopher Heanue speaking to ABC News station WABC in New York.
Faith-Lilac Way Lutheran Church December 24, 2021 Pastor Pam Stalheim Lane