Transfiguration Sunday Sermon
Listen to Jesus! Receive the Gifts of God
Listen Up! Pay attention! Our Confirmation video begins each session with those words. It assumes that we aren’t listening and that we aren’t paying attention.
This was not the case for Peter, James and John. Jesus had their attention. First of all – Jesus has brought them to a mountaintop. Looking back to our first lesson about Moses – important things happen on mountaintops. Secondly, Jesus has been preaching and teaching the Sermon on the Mount – so maybe they think they are going to get some extra credit teaching. But they are amazed when they see Jesus’ face shining like the sun, and his clothes were a dazzling white.
A few years ago, I remember driving on 34th street – just west of Douglas Drive on a sunny winter afternoon. It had just snowed and the snow was sparkling white. I was behind a pickup truck and as we came up the hill the sun peaked over hill the sun blinded me -- and must have blinded him. The street was a bit narrow and he was driving next to the curb when the sun blinded him – and he crashed into a car parked along the side of the road. Luckily there was no one in it. That blinding light is what I imagine Jesus looked like. The disciples would have been reaching for their sunglasses if it happened today.
But then, Moses and Elijah– the representatives of the Law and the prophets -- show up to chat with Jesus. This was another confirmation of the proclamation that Peter had made just six days before that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. No wonder Peter gets excited and eager to capture and memorialize this moment. But when a bright cloud overshadows them and a voice from heaven interrupts Peter with the same proclamation that was made at Jesus’ baptism – the disciples collapse in fear.
Who could blame them? Their senses have been overwhelmed. Their eyes have been blinded first by light and then by a cloud. They have had a collective vision of Moses and Elijah. Their ears have heard the voice of God. No wonder their legs collapsed.
The commandment from God is clear – Listen to Jesus. That sounds pretty simple, right? But when Moses came down the mountain with the 10 commandments and found God’s people -- who were tired of waiting for him – worshipping a golden calf – Moses is incensed – and even God is angry. But notice how Jesus responds to his disciples. Jesus already knew Peter’s and our failings to follow God’s commands. But still… Jesus remains by their side. Moses and Elijah disappear. But Jesus stays and gently says to them, “Get up” literally, “Rise up,” and puts his hand upon them and says, “Do not be afraid.” Jesus is not angry. Jesus is compassionate as he reminds the disciples – and us -- he is God with Us – always. Jesus wants to be in relationship with us, with you.
I wonder if the biggest challenge for Christians today in listening to Jesus and in staying in relationship with Jesus is the “busyness” of our culture. And it did not let up during the pandemic – many people just substituted online activities. This is not only a challenge for working parents but I’ve noticed that kids are uber-scheduled. In addition to a phenomenal amount of homework, kids are busy with after-school activities and with community sports, dance, art, karate and social media. I asked one of our youth, “When do you have time to sleep?!” Busyness affects all ages. Retired friends have told me – rather proudly – I’m busier than ever before.
It turns out this is not a new challenge. In The Cloud of Unknowing, a book written in about the 14th century by an unknown English monk warns,
“Be attentive to time, and the way you spend it… God, the master of time, never gives the future. He gives only the present, moment by moment.”
Recently I went on a weekend silent retreat as part of a class that I am taking. I was told to turn off my phone, not bring my computer or any work or homework but just my Bible, my journal and my clothes. I was a little afraid that they would hand me a roll of duct tape to put over my mouth to keep me silent. But it turned out to be not as difficult as I feared.
On the first night I pulled out my Bible. Actually, it was my mother’s Bible. As I was hurriedly packing, I put her Bible in my bag because it was smaller and a lot less heavy than my study Bible. I was so glad that I did. I noticed all of the passages that she had underlined, passages of hope and promise. It reminded me of the importance for us all to take time each day for God’s Word. Even a short devotion helps us take time to: Listen to Jesus and be in relationship with Him.
Having extra time also allowed extra time for prayer. This was the point of the retreat, after all. But again, it reminded me of the importance of taking time for prayer – even when it isn’t on a retreat. We still live in a busy world and it can be challenging to find the time for prayer. When I was a young mother, my prayer time was at night after the kids were in bed. Now I find the morning to be best for me. Another woman said that her prayer time was on her commute. It doesn’t matter when you pray or what form you use. But it is good for me – and it is good for you – to talk with God. God wants to be in relationship with you – in the ordinary times of life as well as in your joys and in your sorrows and challenging times.
God is with us even in the ordinary challenging times. I was able to take a break from our cold north winter by travelling to the Florida Keys a couple of weeks ago. We rented a lovely condo – well… lovely except for the bed which gave me incredible backaches which is unusual for me. Usually, I sleep like a rock. But one night – it was about 4 in the morning -- I simply could not sleep or even lie in that bed any longer. So I got up and went out on the patio. My husband had set up a hammock. Suddenly inspired, I grabbed a blanket and snuggled in, hoping that I would catch a few winks. But just as I lay down, a bright light was shining on my face. Irritated, I looked up to see if I could shut off the light. I could not. It was the full moon surrounded by stars and palm tree branches. It was absolutely beautiful. I forgot about my sore back and with wide eyes of wonder I gave thanks to God, and simply soaked up the beauty of God’s creation until I work up in the morning, completely refreshed and filled with joy and wonder.
The gifts of God are all around us. The commandment is to listen to Jesus and the blessing we receive as we open all of our senses, our hearts, our minds and our lives to see, to hear and to receive the gifts of God is the abiding presence of Jesus, God-With Us. Thanks be to God. Amen.