Reflections and prayers
First Lesson
In the beginning…God created a marvelous universe. It was orderly. And it was GOOD. The night was not jealous of the sunshine of the day and the day was not envious of the moon and stars of the night. Everything was new and fresh and bright and worked – in harmony. And God said, it was “it was Good.”
Let us pray, Creator of the sun and the stars of night, your world is good. Help us to care for your world so that it may continue to work in harmony and for the good of all creatures in it. Amen.
Second Lesson
The world was working so well! But then God gave people freedom to choose. And Adam and Eve – as representative of ALL people – chose not to follow God but to try to BE God. And then they blamed someone else. We are all Eve. We are all Adam, dust. And to dust we shall indeed return.
Let us pray, Dear God, forgive us. Unlike Adam and Eve, we know the consequences of not following your way. And yet, too often, we still choose to try to be self-sufficient, to be God-like instead of God-followers. Forgive us. Renew our hearts, our minds, our actions and our words. Thank you for sending us your Son, Jesus, to save us and to bring us unending joy, hope, and the bright dawning of a new day, Amen.
Third Lesson
Despite the many times that we have chosen to go our own way instead of following God’s way, God made a covenant with Abraham and Sarah that all of the world would be blessed through them.
Let us pray: Dear God, thank you for keeping your promises to us – even though we have broken our promises to you and to each other. Thank you for your great and abiding love in sending your beloved Son to be our Savior. Amen.
Fourth Lesson
The prophets foretold you would send One with Authority, One who is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of PEACE. But You didn’t just send someone – you came yourself!
Let us pray: Jesus, we rejoice with you and give thanks for your coming as a child, to take on flesh and live among us. We rejoice and give thanks that you shine a light on injustice and the way of peace and reconciliation. We rejoice that you are and will always be God-With- Us yesterday, today, tomorrow and always. And this is why we rejoice! Amen.
Fifth Lesson
The people of Isaiah’s time were looking for a leader – but God promised so much more than an earthly king. The prophets were given a word from God of a future time, a time in which the world will be restored to the harmony of Creation’s day ONE.. Jesus began that restoration to God’s Kingdom but we are not yet there yet. The hymn, Lo’how a Rose E’er Blooming uses the image of a rose in December – an unexpected blessing -- to describe the beauty and sweetness of Christ’s coming.
Let us pray,
Creator God, help us notice the beauty and wonder of the world that you are still actively engaged in creating. And let the smallest flower remind us of your enduring love and fill us with trust in your abiding grace. Amen.
Sixth Lesson
Bethlehem was a small town that would have escaped the prophet’s notice – except that it was King David’s hometown. The prophet proclaims a hope and a remembered promise of God to keep God’s covenant with David and the people of Israel.
Let us pray: Bethlehem may look like a dreamy town. But from this little town, the hopes and fears of all the years, are met. Let us join the angels and the morning stars in singing the praises of Christ Jesus.
Seventh Lesson
The prophets were great messengers of God – but now God has sent His Son, his very self to us. Let us praise the God of Creation and the God with us – Emmanuel.
Let us pray: God- With-Us – Emmanuel. You are with us – now reveal yourself to us, in us and through us. In Your name we pray, Amen.
Eight Lesson
God Saves us – not be we passed the test; not because we lived a clean and perfect life; not because of anything that we did. Instead, out of God’s great mercy, God poured out God’s spirit upon us and made us right with God – that is what is meant by justifies us. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we receive the gift of rebirth and renewal in our baptism.
Let us pray: Your mercy is great, O Lord. You have already promised to renew us and restore us. We trust in your promise. And so, now all we have left to do is to share the Good News! Amen.
Ninth Lesson
In the beginning…. We have come full circle. And yet, the world is not the same. The world is not an innocent pure place. Instead, Jesus, the Son of God, came to renew and restore the world and the people in it. God first gave the law to give us guidance on how to live rightly. But now… Jesus has come to renew, restore and re-invigorate the world. A world that is better for it.
Let us pray. Dear God – there is nothing left for us to do – except to praise you. We give thanks for Jesus. Praise God. Praise God. Praise God. Amen.